Multicoloured Autumn Oak Leaves


Advanced Beginner


5 Lessons

0% Not started

Welcome to the Multicoloured Autumn Oak Leaves online video tutorial!

With the help of this easy-to-follow advance beginner in-depth online video tutorial you can learn how to create beautiful multicoloured autumn oak leaves.

The videos will guide you through the steps of needle felting the pictured 3-coloured leaves. However, the technique can be used will all kinds of colour blends.

Even though the tutorial only features oak leaves, you'll be able to adapt the technique to any kind of leaf.

tools & materials for leaf
leaf in the stencil
smoothing and shaping the leaf
embroidering midrib & veins on leaf

The Tools & Materials video is free to watch and it can help you decide whether you'd like to purchase the tutorial.

Details of the project

Needle felting these colourful autumn leaves is both a relaxing and a bit challenging weekend or afternoon activity. Imagine it like colouring the leaf with wool! Colouring is known to be a relaxing activity, while blending different colours can be a bit tricky.

Nevertheless, it's great fun and your imagination is the only limit when it comes to creating gorgeous colour blends.

What you'll learn with the help of the Multicoloured Autumn Oak Leaf video tutorial:

  • How to blend different colours for these 3-coloured leaves;
  • How to work with a stencil and create flat 2D shapes;
  • How to start planning your own colour blends;
  • How to get a smooth and neat finish;
  • How to embellish the leaf with embroidered midrib and veins.

What you'll get by purchasing the video tutorial:

  • Lifetime access to the online video tutorial in the Project Zone. So you can watch it again and again as many times as you need which enables you to work at your own pace.
  • 4 high-quality (4K) videos with very detailed visual and verbal instructions. (Not counting the Tools & Materials video that is free to watch.)
  • Clear separation and organisation of the steps so can pick up where you left off easily when you come back. It also makes the project more manageable.
  • Plus, you'll learn the above mentioned techniques.

Some parts of the tutorial where the same repetitive felting happens are sped up or shortened after giving you all the necessary instructions. So you can spend more time felting than watching. However, the whole colouring process is demonstrated!

Here's the Lessons List:

Lesson List Overview

Difficulty level:

The Multicoloured Autumn Oak Leaves is a step-by-step, very detailed project ideal from advanced beginner level. And especially great for those who don't mind working on small colouring details.

Time to finish one bigger leaf:

If you decide to make a 3-coloured leaf, then expect it to take around an hour to complete provided you want a firm, smooth and neat finish.

But that doesn't mean you have to watch me making one leaf for that long. As I've mentioned before the videos are tweaked to contain only the necessary parts, so the combined runtime of all 5 videos is a bit shy of 35 minutes.

The approximate measurements of the leaves:

  • the bigger leaf is 7 x 3.7 cm / 2.75 x 1.45 inches
  • the smaller leaf is 5.5 x 2.6 cm / 2.16 x 1 inches


This video tutorial is designed for personal use only and is protected by international copyright law.

Happy felting!

Lesson List:

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