Welcome to the Forest Creature - Basic Body online video course!
The adorable and whimsical Forest Creatures live deep in the forest and protect the flora and fauna. What they are responsible for - like mushrooms, oak trees and wild blackberries - appears on their body.
These magical beings can take any form they prefer but this is their favourite shape to be in. They appear only to those who love and respect the natural world around us. And of course, they have to believe in magic!
In this intermediate/improver video course you can learn how to needle felt the basic body of the whimsical Forest Creature.
This includes creating the core shape, the face, the body colouring, the tiny legs and his unique hat in more designs.

The Welcome and Tools & Materials video is free to watch and it can help you decide whether you'd like to purchase the tutorial.
Details of the project
Needle felting a Forest Creature is an amazing and inspired project for those who love forests, woodlands and like to let their imagination run wild.
The basic body is firmly felted which makes the surface perfect for felting 3D details on it. How you wish to decorate them is only limited by your own imagination.
It could be anything flora related, such as leaves, berries, branches, mushroom, moss, flowers, and so on. Or fauna related, such as hedgehogs, snails, ladybugs, foxes, deers, mice, and the likes.
Naturally, the decoration you add can either be one big leaf, for example, curling itself around the body or small delicate details, like my mushroom scene below.
Currently I offer three embellishment tutorials that can be bought separately: a mushroom scene, blackberries and oak leaves with acorns.

You can choose to purchase only one or two of the decoration tutorials or buy the whole package - that is the Basic Body and all three embellishment options as a bundle.
Please see the purchasing options in the Wondrous Whimsy Studio shop under Tutorials.
What you'll learn with the help of the Forest Creature - Basic Body video course:
What you'll get by purchasing the video tutorial:
Some parts of the tutorial where the same repetitive felting happens are sped up or shortened after giving you all the necessary instructions. So you can spend more time felting than watching.
Here's the Lessons List:

Difficulty level:
The Forest Creature - Basic Body is a step-by-step, very detailed course ideal for intermediate/improver felters. Anyone who has already tried his hands at more complex (but not too difficult) projects that involved multiple steps can give it a try.
Since everything is broken down into smaller steps, explained and demonstrated, needle felting a Forest Creature is not difficult.
However, it requires patience and a good understanding of how to work with wool - i.e. how much wool to add, how firmly to felt, how to avoid overfelting while making sure that the piece is a good base for additional 3D work, etc.
And if you purchase any of the decoration tutorials, you have to be comfortable enough to try and work with and on small details.
If you feel hesitant about whether the course is good for you, feel free to get in touch with me. I'm always happy to help!
Time to finish one Forest Creature:
In order to be able to felt small and precise details on the body of a Forest Creature, it needs to be firmly felted. And that takes time.
For reference, depending on the different hat styles, my basic bodies took between 9 to 12 hours to make.
But that doesn't mean you have to watch me needle felt one Forest Creature for that long. As I've mentioned before the videos are tweaked to contain only the necessary parts.
The approximate measurements of the Forest Creature:
It's 13 cm / 5.12 inches tall with a bottom and head that is 6 cm / 2.36 inches wide, and weighs 40 -50 grams (depending in the hat style).
Due to the fact that Forest Creatures can be decorated in many ways the maker prefers, any Forest Creature you make based on this online video course and then embellish with your OWN, unique designs can be sold without any additional permission from me.
However, crediting Wondrous Whimsy Studio as the inventor and developer of the Forest Creature idea is required.
On the other hand, using any of my original designs to decorate your Forest Creature is for personal use only.
Thank you!
Happy felting!